INKSCAPE is a professional graphics app that allows you to design a variety of designs such as illustrations, logos, diagrams, icons, maps and web graphics. There is also a portable version that does not require installation, so you can use it anytime, anywhere.
The goal of this program was to create a free open source program that can compete with expensive programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Coreldraw and XARA XTREME. So the interface is simple and clean, but the features are rich.
INKSCAPE can do various tasks such as basic drawing, add text, insertion bitmap, cloning, object operation, deformation, Z-order manipulation, grouping, layer management, alignment and distribution commands. This is not the end! Filling and stroke settings, color selection tools, copy/paste, gradient editor, pattern filling, dash lines, path markers, nodes, bulging, rendering, alpha transparency, and command line options are also supported. It's a very versatile program!